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2009年 9月 4日(金)
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41st UK History of Economic Thought Conference
2009 UK History of Economic Thought Conference.

The 41st annual UK conference is scheduled to take place at the
University of Manchester, 2-4 September. However, the event will
proceed only if there is an 'effectual demand' for it which, at
present, there is not. For the last time, therefore, I am inviting
colleagues to express a (non-binding) interest in attending. If the
response is favourable a formal call for papers will be made in
mid-February; otherwise, the conference will become history, as it were.

Colleagues who have replied already need not do so again, unless there
has been a change of mind.

Terry Peach

ミル『自由論』150年横浜国際ワークショップ 「J.S.ミル『自由論』(1859)はどこまで普遍的か?:政治思想、倫理、そして異文化」
日 時:2009年9月3日(木)-4日(金)
場 所:横浜ランドマークタワー18F・East(中層階行き「エレベーターC群」利用)
Thursday 3 September
10:00 Registration
10:30 Opening Remarks Prof Shuzaburo IZUMIYA & Prof Daisuke ARIE (YNU, JPN)
11:00 Paper 1 Mr Kei-ichiro YAMAMOTO (Univ. of Kyoto, JPN)
'Mill's Method of Art and On Liberty?'
11:45 Discussion
12:00 Lunch
13:45 Paper 2 Prof Avital SYMHONY (Arizona State Univ., USA)
'Mill's On Liberty: A Liberal Manifesto?'
15:00 Discussion Main Commentator: Prof Yasunori FUKAGAI (YNU)
15:45 Break
16:15 Paper 3 Prof Geoffrey SCARRE (Durham Univ., UK)
'John Stuart Mill: A Liberal For All Seasons'
17:30 Discussion Main Commentator: Prof Masatake OKUBO (Sugino Fashion Col., JPN)
18:15 Close

Friday 4 September
Symposium: On Liberty and Asia
10:00 Introductory remarks Prof Daisuke ARIE
10:15 Paper 4 Prof Xiao-Dong LI (李暁東 Univ. of Shimane, JPN)
'Yan Fu*'s Idea of Liberty'
11:00 Paper 5 Prof Daisuke ARIE (有江大介 YNU., JPN)
'The Influence of On Liberty on Japan's Political Thought in the Earliest
Stage of Modernization: Translation, Mistranslation, and Enthusiasm'
11:45 Paper 6 Prof Byung-Hoon SUH (徐炳勳 Soongsil Univ., KOR)
'John Stuart Mill on Korean politics: Why nobody is satisfied with the
representative democracy in Korea?’
12:30 Break/Lunch
14:00 Discussion
15:30 Break
16:00 Round the Table on Mill/On Liberty/Utilitarianism/Asia
17:30 Closing remarks
(*Yan Fu [厳復: 1853-192] was the Chinese enlightenment thinker who first translated
and published On Liberty in 1903.)


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