予定表 -詳細情報-

件名 国際コンファレンス“Population, Poverty and Welfare in the History of Economic Thought: an International Comparison”
開始日時 2011年 3月 7日 (月曜日)   10時25分 (GMT+09:00)
終了日時 2011年 3月 7日 (月曜日)   18時00分 (GMT+09:00)
場所 早稲田大学・早稲田キャンパス
連絡先 渡会勝義 (早稲田大学 watarai[at mark]waseda.jp )
詳細 国際コンファレンス“Population, Poverty and Welfare in the History of Economic Thought: an International Comparison”

Programme(preliminary) of the Conference “Population, Poverty and Welfare in the History of Economic Thought: an International Comparison”

7 March 2011(Monday) at Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan
At the meeting room 3, 2nd Floor of the building 3, Nishiwaseda Campus

10:25 Opening speech

10:30-11:30 ‘Subsistence and Security versus Enjoyment: Poverty and Population in the Political Economy of Jeremy Bentham’ by Michael Quinn (University College, London, UK)

11:30-13:00 Lunch Time

13:00 14:00 ‘Beveridge on a Welfare Society: State, Market and Community’ by Atsushi Komine (Ryuukoku University, Japan)

14:00-15:00 ‘Economic thought on population in Italy:From Illuminist reformers to the late XIX century debate on Malthusian theory’ by Claudia Sunna (University of Lecce, Italy)

15:00-15:20 Tea Break

15:20-16:20 ‘Economic Thought for Escape from Mass Poverty with an Example from Edo Japan’ by Katsuyoshi Watarai (Waseda University, Japan)

16:20-17:20 ‘Poverty and Pauperism in Germany, 1800-1850’ by Toni Pierenkemper (Koeln University, Germany)

17:00-17:30 Concluding remarks

18:00 Farewell Party at a restaurant nearby.

Organizer: Katsuyoshi Watarai
(Professor of Economics,
School of Political Science and Economics,
Waseda University)

watarai[at mark]waseda.jp
カテゴリー 講演・セミナー・シンポ
投稿者 sato
レコード表示 公開
最終更新日 2011年 2月 25日 (金曜日)

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