予定表 -詳細情報-

件名 41st UK History of Economic Thought Conference
開始日時 2009年 9月 2日 (水曜日)   (全日イベント)
終了日時 2009年 9月 4日 (金曜日)  
場所 University of Manchester, UK
詳細 2009 UK History of Economic Thought Conference.

The 41st annual UK conference is scheduled to take place at the
University of Manchester, 2-4 September. However, the event will
proceed only if there is an 'effectual demand' for it which, at
present, there is not. For the last time, therefore, I am inviting
colleagues to express a (non-binding) interest in attending. If the
response is favourable a formal call for papers will be made in
mid-February; otherwise, the conference will become history, as it were.

Colleagues who have replied already need not do so again, unless there
has been a change of mind.

Terry Peach
カテゴリー 学会
投稿者 webmaster
レコード表示 公開
最終更新日 2009年 4月 20日 (月曜日)

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