予定表 -詳細情報-

件名 Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 投稿締切
開始日時 2009年 3月 1日 (日曜日)   (全日イベント)
終了日時 2009年 3月 1日 (日曜日)  
詳細 Call For Papers - The Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics (EJPE)

EJPE is a peer-reviewed biannual academic journal publishing research which improves our understanding of the methodology, history and inter-disciplinary relations of economics. EJPE is supported by the Erasmus Department of Philosophy and the Erasmus Institute for Philosophy and Economics (EIPE) and is an open access journal.

EJPE aspires to:

· publish high quality and interesting contributions to the field of philosophy and economics.

· provide a forum for inter-disciplinary content and approaches that is particularly friendly to Young Scholars (graduate students and recent PhD graduates), supported by an efficient and constructive peer review process.

Call For Papers

Research domains
(1) Methodology of economics
Issues falling within the analytical philosophy of science tradition including the methodological analysis and appraisal of the concepts, theories and techniques of economics, both mainstream and heterodox. Contributions on methodological issues in evolutionary and institutional economics are particularly welcome.

(2) History of economic thought
Issues in the historical development of the ideas, theories, and methods of economics.

(3) Inter-disciplinary issues relating economics to other fields
Issues arising from non-traditional sources of critique and investigation of economics, including, for example, ethics; sociology; political philosophy; continental philosophy; rhetoric. Such contributions must show a clear connection to economic issues and involve conceptual rather than purely empirical analysis.

Content sought

Academic articles (5-7 per issue; with abstract; 4000-8000 words; [exceptional papers may be longer by arrangement])

Book reviews (4-6 per issue; 750-2000 words)

Summaries of recently completed PhD theses in philosophy and economics (500-1000 words)

Deadline: March 1st

カテゴリー 締切
投稿者 webmaster
レコード表示 公開
最終更新日 2009年 1月 25日 (日曜日)
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