近刊・新刊情報 - 経済学史学会編 『経済学史研究』(第63巻2号)知泉書館、2022/1/28
・経済学史学会編 『経済学史研究』(第63巻2号)知泉書館、2022/1/28
● 論文
Colonization and Ireland in G. P. Scrope’s Political Economy(Tomonori Isaka)
English Translation Series: Japanese Historians of Economic Thought <13>
Tokuzo Fukuda, Overview of the Right to Subsistence(Translated by Robert Chapeskie and Tamotsu Nishizawa)
● 第18回経済学史学会研究奨励賞受賞作講評
Sora Sato, Edmund Burke as Historian: War, Order and Civilisation, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018
● 研究動向
道徳的契約論と合理的契約論――ロールズ『正義論』を起点とする政治哲学の進展の一側面(井上 彰)
● 書評
Gábor Birò, The Economic Thought of Michael Polanyi, Routledge, 2019(Imaike Yasuhito)
Peter J. Boettke, F. A. Hayek: Economics, Political Economy and Social Philosophy, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018(吉野裕介)
Jonathan Conlin, ed., Great Economic Thinkers: An Introduction-from Adam Smith to Amartya Sen, Reaktion Books, 2019(Nao Saito)
Gilbert Faccarello, Masashi Izumo & Hiromi Morishita, eds., Malthus across Nations: The Reception of Thomas Robert Malthus in Europe, America and Japan, Edward Elgar, 2020(Atsushi Masunaga)
Samuel Hollander, A History of Utilitarian Ethics: Studies in Private Motivation and Distributive Justice, 1700–1875, Routledge, 2019(Daisuke Nakai)
Bert Mosselmans, Marginalism, Agenda Publishing, 2018(Kayoko Misaki)
伊藤 誠『マルクスの思想と理論』青土社,2020年(室井 遥)
大河内昌『美学イデオロギー――商業社会における想像力』名古屋大学出版会,2019年(佐藤 空)
柳澤 治『転換期のドイツ経済思想――経済史の観点から』日本経済評論社,2021年(有江大介)
● 論文
Colonization and Ireland in G. P. Scrope’s Political Economy(Tomonori Isaka)
English Translation Series: Japanese Historians of Economic Thought <13>
Tokuzo Fukuda, Overview of the Right to Subsistence(Translated by Robert Chapeskie and Tamotsu Nishizawa)
● 第18回経済学史学会研究奨励賞受賞作講評
Sora Sato, Edmund Burke as Historian: War, Order and Civilisation, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018
● 研究動向
道徳的契約論と合理的契約論――ロールズ『正義論』を起点とする政治哲学の進展の一側面(井上 彰)
● 書評
Gábor Birò, The Economic Thought of Michael Polanyi, Routledge, 2019(Imaike Yasuhito)
Peter J. Boettke, F. A. Hayek: Economics, Political Economy and Social Philosophy, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018(吉野裕介)
Jonathan Conlin, ed., Great Economic Thinkers: An Introduction-from Adam Smith to Amartya Sen, Reaktion Books, 2019(Nao Saito)
Gilbert Faccarello, Masashi Izumo & Hiromi Morishita, eds., Malthus across Nations: The Reception of Thomas Robert Malthus in Europe, America and Japan, Edward Elgar, 2020(Atsushi Masunaga)
Samuel Hollander, A History of Utilitarian Ethics: Studies in Private Motivation and Distributive Justice, 1700–1875, Routledge, 2019(Daisuke Nakai)
Bert Mosselmans, Marginalism, Agenda Publishing, 2018(Kayoko Misaki)
伊藤 誠『マルクスの思想と理論』青土社,2020年(室井 遥)
大河内昌『美学イデオロギー――商業社会における想像力』名古屋大学出版会,2019年(佐藤 空)
柳澤 治『転換期のドイツ経済思想――経済史の観点から』日本経済評論社,2021年(有江大介)