予定表 -詳細情報-

件名 International Workshop of the New Liberalism in Nagasaki 2015
開始日時 2015年 2月 23日 (月曜日)   (全日イベント)
終了日時 2015年 2月 23日 (月曜日)  
場所 長崎大学
連絡先 姫野順一 himeno[at]nagasaki-u.ac.jp
詳細 International Workshop of the New Liberalism in Nagasaki 2015

Date: 23th of February 2015
Venue: University Library, Nagasaki University


10:00-10:10 Opening Remarks

Peter Sloman (New College/Oxford)
On summary of the book of THE LIBERAL PARTY AND THE ECONOMY, 1929–1964

Peter Sloman
Lady Juliet Rhys-Williams' campaign for a universal basic income during the 1940s, as an alternative to the Beveridge social security proposals

11:25-12:00 Comments and Discussion

12:00-13:00 Lunch

Taku Eriguchi ( Seinan Gakuin University)
Sidney and Beatrice Webb and the Swedish Welfare State: a Preliminary Consideration

13:40-14:00 Discussion

Jeanne Morefield (Whitman College)
The Round Table’s History of Empire and The Discursive Origins of Twentieth Century Internationalism

14:55-15:20 Discussion

15:20-15:40 Coffee Break

Junichi Himeno (Nagasaki University: Emeritus)
The transformation of Liberalism in the late British Empire in 1900-1910 : Design of the Federation

16:20-16:40 Discussion

Yasuhisa Hirakata (Kyushu Sangyo University)
Education Reform under the Thatcher Government and Hayek's Thought on Welfare State: Market Mechanism and Managed Competition

17:20-17:40 Discussion

17:40-17:50 Concluding Remarks

カテゴリー 研究会,講演・セミナー・シンポ
投稿者 sato
レコード表示 公開
最終更新日 2015年 2月 23日 (月曜日)

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